Friday, September 2, 2011

Kindermusik, a caring & compassionate environment!

As I was contemplating subject matter for this mornings blog...I decided that I needed oatmeal, coffee and a book for me--a treat, as I normally read only early-childhood material.  As I am enjoying my breakfast at a small coffee shop nearby while reading "The Art of Happiness, A Handbook for living" by Dala Lama and Cutler...I ran across a paragraph that I couldn't help but think about how what I do in each Kindermusik class is helping to create not only an environment for rich language development, but an environment of compassion and caring for others.  There is a passage in the book found on page 59-60, that compares language development to the development of caring and compassion.  I think everyone agrees that surrounding our children in a language rich environment--like that found in a Kindermusik class--is an essential key to developing and broadening the capacity for language in a child, but the same is true for developing a capacity for caring and compassion--and Kindermusik provides this as well. 

In any Kindermusik class you will find many opportunities for your child to work with another child in sharing, taking turns, observing, gaining ideas and cooperation; all of these are essential in developing the capacity for compassion.  The authors give some specific examples of environments in which experts agree that the seeds of caring and compassion are able to flourish and ripen in children:  "having parents (or I would add, teachers) who are able to regulate their own emotions, who model caring behavior, who set appropriate limits on children's behavior, who communicate that a child is responsible for her or his own behavior, and who use reasoning to help direct the child's attention to affective or emotional states and the consequences of her or his behavior on others." 

We live in a world where caring and compassion, at least seem to be declining.  We see and hear about war, fighting, hurtful behaviour towards others, people killing people and governments operating to only serve themselves....precious little evidence of caring and compassion. 

In Kindermusik, there is plenty of evidence of caring and compassion:  each child and parent is an important part of our class and is respected for what they can bring to the class;  we share with each other, we are kind and courteous to each other, we learn together and from each other, we enjoy a common language together--music and when we choose behavior that hurts others--we face it and begin to learn the consequences for such choices....what a beautiful model for creating an environment that the seeds of caring and compassion can take root, flourish and blossom to their fullest potential. 

In a few weeks, we will have an additional chance to experience caring and compassion.  We will have an opportunity to fill a shoebox with special items for our friends here in America and around the world...Operation Christmas Child.  I would encourage each of you to participate in this in your own way; some of you will choose to schedule a Saturday morning trip to the dollar store with your child to purchase items for another child who may not have soap, toothbrush, toothpaste or even a comb while others will make items with your own hands--knitting a scarf, washcloth, mittens or socks.  Whichever you choose, your child benefits directly--as you are modeling for your child the capacity for caring and compassion.

I can't help but think of the song, "If I had a Hammer" (I love this recording--as it is sung by children).....this would be a great song about caring and compassion to add to your child's repertoire.  In Kindermusik class, we have a a hammer of sharing each time we get the rhythm sticks from the basket, we have a bell of respect as we ring with each other and we have lots of songs--songs of love, friendship and learning!

See you in Kindermusik class.

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